Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A poem

I know, this is the second post in two days.  Don't judge me.  I miss writing, and this is convenient.
I have an old friend who once told me that sometimes, when she had very strong emotions, they usually were best expressed in the form of poetry.  I thought that was ridiculous.  I told her that I always think in prose.  And then those words came back to bite me.

Anyway, this is one of the many poems that have sort of spontaneously written themselves in my head.  It's probably not terribly good, so all of you writing critics out there, feel free to have at it if you want.  Basically, back story wise, I went to the temple on Saturday, and was supposed to meet a bunch of my friends from the old (Sigma Gamma Chi) fraternity days.  I got there at 9:30 thinking we were doing the 10 o'clock session, and then ended up sitting in the chapel for a total of 1.5 hours before the three of us that were actually there went on a much later session.  It was really great, and I don't blame anyone for not being there or anything like that.  I guess I'm just obsessed with heroism, and so I couldn't help but put myself in the place of one of these guys in a Lord of the Rings type story, waiting for those men of his alliances to show up to his aid in the battle against the forces of darkness.  So, anyway, here you go:

Too few are rallied
Too many lost
The battle 'gainst evil's terrible cost
 Naught but the vanguard
of the forces of old
And twice as weary
and half as bold
 Yet, to stand these are gathered
And stand we will
In life and in death
Our duties fulfill
 And hope in the power
That's saved men before
For the light we shall stand
in the strength of the Lord

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